Title State Statute Bond City Ordinance
2 Brake Lights Required 31-5-915 $70 Adopted 13-1
2 Headlamps Required 31-5-912 $70 Adopted 13-1
2 Tail lamps Required 31-5-913 $70 Adopted 13-1
Altered, Obscured License Plates 31-4-101(a)(iii) $70 13-10(a)(3)
Careless Driving 31-5-236 $220 13-14.1
Carry or Exhibit DL - Fail to  31-7-116 $70 -------------
Child Restraint Required 31-5-1303 $50/$100 Adopted 13-1
Collide W/ Unattended Vehicle 31-5-1104 $220 Adopted 13-1
Compulsory Auto Insurance 31-4-103 $420 13-10.1
Drag Racing 24-1-110(a) $120 -------------
Driving on Median 31-5-211 $70 Adopted 13-1
Driving on Right Side of Roadway 31-5-201 $70 Adopted 13-1
DUS or Revoked 31-7-134(a) $420 -------------
DWUI 31-5-233 M/A -------------
DWUI - Youthful Offender 31-5-234 M/A -------------
Entering Intersection 31-5-220 $70 Adopted 13-1
Exhibition of Acceleration 24-1-110(a) $120 -------------
Expired or No DL 31-7-106 $120 -------------
Following Too Closely 31-5-210 $70 Adopted 13-1
Gas Drive Off 6-3-412 M/A -------------
Improper Display of Plates 31-4-101(a)(ii) $70 13-10(a)(3)
Jaywalking 31-5-603 $70 Adopted 13-1
Lights Required +- 1/2 hr. of dark 31-5-910 $70 Adopted 13-1
Littering 6-3-204(a) $220 16-29 $300
Motorcycle Operation 31-5-115 $70 13-37
Motorcycle by Minor W/O Helmet 31-5-115(o) $120 13-37(m)
Obey Flashing Light - Fail to  31-5-405 $70 Adopted 13-1
Obey Traffic Signals - Fail to  31-5-403 $120 Adopted 13-1
Obstructing Driver's View 31-5-116 $70 Adopted 13-1
Obtain License After 1 Year - Fail to  31-7-107(a)(vii)(B) M/A -------------
One Way Violation 31-5-208 $70 13-14.2
Open Container (Adopted 13-1) 31-5-235 $120 3-12(c)(1) M/A
Overtaking/Overtaken on Left 31-5-203 $70 Adopted 13-1
Pedestrian Right of Way in X-walk 31-5-602 $70 Adopted 13-1
Reckless Driving 31-5-229 M/A Adopted 13-1
Refusal to Obey Officer 31-5-104 $70 13-4
Registration Required 31-4-101(a)(i) $120 13-10(d)
Report W/ >$1k  or injury - Fail to 31-5-1105 $220 Adopted 13-1
Restricted License 31-7-117 $120 -------------
School Bus - Passing Stopped 31-5-507 $420 Adopted 13-1
Seatbelt 31-5-1402 D $25/P $10 Adopted 13-1
Signal - Unsafe Lane Change or Turn 31-5-217 $70 Adopted 13-1
Stop Sign Violation 31-5-222(b) $120 Adopted 13-1
Texting While Driving 31-5-237 $75 Adopted 13-1
Throw Burning Sub. from Vehicle 6-3-107 $520 16-29 $300
Too Fast for Conditions 31-5-301(a) $70 13-5
Turning at Intersection 31-5-214 $70 Adopted 13-1
Unlawful Use of DL 31-7-133 $220 -------------
Unsafe Vehicles 31-5-970 $120 Adopted 13-1
U-Turn on Curve or Crest 31-5-215 $70 13-12
Yield - Failure to  31-5-222(c) $70 Adopted 13-1
Yield to Emergency Vehicle - Fail to  31-5-224(a) $120 Adopted 13-1
Move Over at Parked Emer. Vehicle 31-5-224(a)(i) $220 Adopted 13-1
Slow at Parked Emergency Vehicle 31-5-224(a)(ii) $220 Adopted 13-1
Breach of Peace 6-6-102(a) M/A 16-4 $150 MA
Furnishing Alcohol to Minor 12-6-101(a) M/A 3-6(b)
Furnishing Tobacco to Minor 14-3-302 M/A 16-39(B)
House Party w/ Minors 6-4-406(a) M/A 16-42 $500 MA
Indecent/Lewd Conduct 6-4-201 M/A 16-20 (see sched)
Interference W/ Police Officer 6-5-204 M/A -------------
Minor Consuming any Alcohol 12-6-101(c)(iv) M/A 3-6(c)
Minor Purchasing Alcohol 12-6-101(c)(i) M/A 3-6(d)
Minor w/ Measurable BAC 12-6-101(c)(v) M/A 3-6(c)
MIP Alcohol 12-6-101(c)(iii) M/A 3-6(c)
MIP Tobacco 14-3-405 $50 M/A 16-39(G)
Possession of Cont. Sub. 35-7-1031 M/A 16-43.1
Soliciting Adult to Purchase  12-6-101(c)(ii) M/A 3-6(d)
Unlawful Use of Toxic Substance 6-9-203 M/A 16-44
Use of a Controlled Substance 35-7-1039 M/A 16-43-1